Previous Grants & Funding
- Oct 2019: Olera was Established
- Dec. 2020: Olera publishes first concept website prototype
- April 2020: Olera awarded $500 for placing 1st in Sling Health Texas A&M University virtual demo day
- April 2021: Jesse Phipps joins Olera to contribute to software development
- April 2020: Olera participates in Texas A&M COVID Challenge
- May 2020: Olera team joins Texas A&M’s Engineering Incubator
- June 2020: Olera awarded $3,000 from NSF Innovation Corps Site Program
- October 2020: Olera incorporates as a Texas Corporation
- December 2021: Olera launches no-code prototype web app
- March 2021: Jeswin Vennatt, MBA, MD joined Olera as Interim Chief Marketing Officer
- March 2021: Olera awarded $50,000 through National Science Foundation I-Corps Teams Grant
- June 2021: Olera awarded $3,500 at Aggie Pitch Competition for 3rd place
- August 2021: Olera awarded $5,000 for participation in Blackstone LaunchPad Fellowship
- August 2021: Olera receives $2.3M Small Business Innovation contract from National Institutes of Health
- August 2021: Olera launches landing page
- October 2021: Olera was honored to be featured in a recent issue of The Battalion, Texas A&M's newspaper run by its very own students.
- October 2021: Olera doubles team size
- October 2021: Olera is featured on a local news station in Bryan Texas (KBTX)