Top Assisted Living Facilities in Reno, Nevada
The average cost of assisted living in Reno, Nevada is about $4,509 per month. This is a bit higher than the overall average in the state of Nevada of.....
Top Assisted Living Facilities in Reno, Nevada
Average Cost of Assisted Living Care in Reno
The average cost of assisted living in Reno, Nevada is about $4,509 per month. This is a bit higher than the overall average in the state of Nevada of $3,978. However, the cost of assisted living can vary depending on the specific facility and the level of care required.
Top Assisted Living Facilities in Reno
The top assisted living facilities in Reno include:
- Five Star Premier Residences of Reno
- Atria Summit Ridge
- South Meadows Residential Care Home
- Mountain Lakes Estates
What to Expect From Assisted Living
Assisted living provides an environment where residents have their own space but get help with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, and eating. The staff supports residents with these tasks, tailoring the level of care to individual needs. Alongside ADL assistance, services like meals, housekeeping, and medical management are standard, offering a balance of independence and support.
How Does Assisted Living Compare to Independent Living
Assisted living is a good option for seniors who need some help with daily activities but still want to maintain a high degree of independence. Independent living is a good option for seniors who are able to live independently but who want the security of knowing that there is help available if they may need it.
Is Financial Assistance Available for Assisted Living?
While Medicare generally does not cover long-term care, such as assisted living, various options, such as long-term care insurance, veterans' benefits, or Medicaid, may help cover costs.
Five Star Premier Residences of Reno
Mountain Lakes Estates
Summit Estates
Kiley Ranch Senior Living
Atria Summit Ridge
Lakeside Manor Retirement
Saint Anne's Group Home
South Meadows Residential Care Home
Arbors Memory Care
Revel Rancharrah
Silver Sage Senior Residence
Park Place Assisted Living
Graceful Living
MorningStar Senior Living of Sparks
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