Daniel Stark Law P.C.
100 W William Joel Bryan Pkwy, College Station 77803
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Daniel Stark is a local law firm that helps injured Texans just like you every day. We know your community, because it’s also our community. We work in the same towns as you. Our k...About
Daniel Stark is a local law firm that helps injured Texans just like you every day. We know your community, because it’s also our community. We work in the same towns as you. Our kids go to school with your kids. We even shop at the same stores. Our reputation is important to us, and so is our community.If you were the victim of an accident that wasn’t your fault, you need someone who has what it takes to stand up for you—someone who has earned a reputation for not backing down. Insurance companies know that if they don’t treat our clients fairly, they’ll have a fight on their hands. They are good at protecting their bottom lines, but not your best interests. Our lawyers are trained to deal with them. So when the insurance company contacts you and tries to call the shots, just tell them, “Call My Lawyer!®”
Trust your case with a local lawyer. Stop by our office locations in Bryan/College Station, Waco, Austin, or Killeen, or call or text us on our local phone number. You can also reach us toll-free 24 hours a day, seven days a week at (800) 474-1233, or by filling out our free, confidential online consultation form.
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