First Choice Repair & Service LLC
4562 Hicks Ln, College Station 77845
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Barry brings 35 years of experience into the repair business. He has a strong background in mechanical, electrical, electronic, or pneumatic systems. Barry is a great troubleshoote...About
Barry brings 35 years of experience into the repair business. He has a strong background in mechanical, electrical, electronic, or pneumatic systems. Barry is a great troubleshooter when it comes to just about anything broken. He will tell you there is only 2 things he can’t fix and that is the “crack of dawn” and a “broken heart”, but he knows the ONE who can. All joking aside, Barry takes a common sense approach to his methods of discovery and repair, not wanting a Customer to ever waste a dollar on unneeded repairs. He always advises of the most cost effective and lasting solution to the problem. He has been doing home maintenance and repair part- time most of his life, but made it a full time choice in 2001 when he started this business in Bryan/College Station, TX, along with his wife of almost 35 yrs. and his now 3 grown sons. He is knowledgeable in most ALL aspects of Home Repair & Maintenance and Appliance Installation. Barry desires to bring a Good Service with a Good Price to the people in his Community. It was because of the love for this Community and devotion to his family, that he left his career as an Elevator Technician and refused to move back to the “Big City” and permanently “planted his roots” here. Barry enjoys solving problems…so CALL HIM TODAY and see how he can help YOU!Neighbourhood of First Choice Repair & Service LLC
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