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The Agency’s mission is to provide quality, reliable services to you.Our professional staff delivers the highest standards in-home care nursing, therapies, and medical social work...About
The Agency’s mission is to provide quality, reliable services to you.Our professional staff delivers the highest standards in-home care nursing, therapies, and medical social work. Our Paraprofessional staff work tirelessly to assist you with those activities of daily living that are so critical to your independence and ability to stay in your own home as long as possible. Our administrative and office staff coordinate all services to provide seamless, effortless service for you. There is always someone for you to call when you have changes or need questions answered.Neighbourhood of Sotera Health
First step to helping your loved ones is to learn
Complete Guide to Advance Care Planning for Family Caregivers
Advance care planning is the process of learning about what kinds of medical decisions may need to be made in the future, preparing for them, and communicating one’s wishes to others.
Types of Senior Care - Find the Best Care for Your Elderly Loved Ones
Whether your loved one needs skilled medical care or just a little help in a home-like setting...
Paying for Senior Care - Exploring Financial & Assistance Options for Senior Living
Aside from using personal savings, other ways to pay for long-term care include various...
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