Best Home Health Care near me in Laredo, Texas
Laredo is a city in southern Texas, United States, located on the north bank of the Rio Grande River across from Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico. It is situated in Webb County and is part of the....
Best Home Health Care near me in Laredo, Texas
Laredo is a city in southern Texas, United States, located on the north bank of the Rio Grande River across from Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico. It is situated in Webb County and is part of the Laredo-Nuevo Laredo Metropolitan Area. Laredo is a major inland port and a gateway to Mexico, making it a significant border city with a dynamic cultural blend influenced by both Mexican and American traditions. Founded in 1755, Laredo grew from a village to the capital of the short-lived Republic of the Rio Grande to the largest inland port on the Mexican border. Laredo's economy is primarily based on international trade with Mexico, and as a major hub for three areas of transportation: land, rail, and air cargo.
Costs of Home Health Care in Laredo, TX
In Laredo, Texas, the cost of home health care can vary depending on the level of care needed and the provider. On average, you can expect to pay between $15 to $25 per hour for home health aides. However, costs can be higher for specialized care or if you require services beyond basic assistance with daily activities.
Average Income in Laredo, TX
The average income in Laredo is around $43,246 which is lower than the state average in Texas of about $52,453 per year. This can vary depending on factors such as the neighborhood, household size, and the source of income. However, Laredo offers a lower cost of living compared to other major cities in the state.
Ranking of Laredo among Top Cities in Texas
Laredo offers a unique blend of cultural vibrancy, economic importance, and affordability. However, it also faces challenges like recent economic decline and limited diversity. Whether it ranks among the "top cities" in Texas depends on your priorities and what aspects of livability are most important to you.
Top Home Health Care Facilities in Laredo, TX
Some of the top home health care facilities in Laredo, TX include:
These facilities prioritize the well-being and comfort of their residents, offering various amenities, personalized care services, and engaging activities.
BrightStar Care of Laredo
Laredo Care Clinic - South
At Your Service Home Health
La Misericordia Home Care Service
Infinito Homecare
Bienvenidos Attendant Services
CTJ Cariño Primary Care
Health Care Unlimited
Morning Glory Provider Services
Palomitas "R" US
DNA Home Health Services
Salud Home Health
Champion Care
Divinas Manos Home Health Services
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